Debatiendo la legalización del cannabis: lo que dicen los expertos

Debating the Legalization of Cannabis: What the Experts Say

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Debating the Legalization of Cannabis: What the Experts Say

The debate on the legalization of cannabis has been a hot topic globally. Countries, such as Canada and Uruguay, have decriminalized the herb, while many states in the U.S are following suit. The issue of cannabis legalization is multifaceted, involving aspects of health, law, economy, and social justice. In this article, we will explore «Debating the legalization of cannabis: what the experts say» and try to gain a balanced view on this controversial topic.

The Health Perspective

Several health professionals argue that cannabis has medicinal benefits, particularly for chronic pain, glaucoma, and epilepsy. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a renowned American neurosurgeon, and medical reporter has openly advocated for its use in treating severe epilepsy in children. He argues that, in some cases, conventional drugs are ineffective, and cannabis may present a viable solution. Similarly, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, in a rigorous review of scientific research, confirmed that indeed cannabis or cannabinoids, can offer therapeutic benefits.

However, other health experts keep expressing their concerns about potential risks associated with cannabis use, such as addiction and mental health disorders. According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse, heavy cannabis users are likely to develop cannabis use disorder, which causes distress and interferes with their daily life activities. Other studies have linked cannabis use to conditions such as anxiety and depression.

The Legal Perspective

From the legal perspective, experts argue that the prohibition of cannabis has failed to reduce its use and instead has led to significant social and economic costs. Professor Mark A.R. Kleiman, a public policy analyst, asserts that cannabis legalization could help in reducing these costs by eliminating the expense of enforcement and creating tax revenue from its sale.

On the other hand, some legal experts worry that cannabis legalization may lead to increased use and subsequent public health issues. They refer to the ‘Big Tobacco’ era, cautioning that cannabis might follow the same path, with corporations marketing the drug irresponsibly and causing public harm.

The Social Justice Perspective

Within the social justice sphere, experts highlight the stark racial disparities in cannabis enforcement. ACLU reports show that in the U.S, Black people are almost four times more likely to be arrested for cannabis possession than White people, despite similar usage rates. Legalization, therefore, could help address these racial disparities and unfair punishment.

In conclusion, when debating the legalization of cannabis: what the experts say significantly vary depending on their perspective. What remains clear is the need for continued research and thoughtful policy development to ensure that any changes benefit society at large.

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